What Insurance Companies Won’t Tell You After a Car Accident: Insights from a Las Vegas Personal Injury Lawyer

Car accidents are often traumatic experiences that can leave victims confused and vulnerable, especially when dealing with insurance companies. While insurance adjusters may seem helpful at first, there are crucial aspects they often fail to disclose. At the outset, keep in mind that their sole job is to save the insurance company money. As a personal injury law firm based in Las Vegas, we’ve seen firsthand how insurance companies operate, and it’s essential for accident victims to understand their rights and what to expect.

Lowball Initial Settlements Offers

Insurance companies are known to employ delay tactics to discourage claimants from pursuing larger settlements. They may repeatedly request additional documentation, schedule unnecessary meetings, or simply deny your claim without valid reasons. These tactics are designed to frustrate claimants into accepting less than they deserve, or even give up on their claims entirely.

Factors that determine the value of your personal injury claim.

Delay Tactics to Wear You Down

In the United States, there is no federal law mandating that hospitals or healthcare providers must bill private insurance, Medicaid, or Medicare. They can choose whether to accept insurance and make agreements with specific plans. While many providers do bill insurance, including Medicare and Medicaid, some opt out of certain networks. This choice affects both provider and patient, as non-participating providers may charge more, leaving patients with a bigger bill to pay.

Normally, hospitals start billing by sending claims to the patient’s main health insurance. When there’s third-party liability, they use a process called Coordination of Benefits. Here, they figure out the order in which different insurance policies will help cover the patient’s medical costs. Good communication between the hospital and the patient about financial responsibilities is key during this time.

Undervaluing Your Claim

Determining the true value of your claim involves more than just reviewing your medical bills and repair costs. Insurance companies often downplay the extent of your damages (e.g., the amount of your medical bills, your need for future medical treatment, lost future earning potential, emotional distress, pain and suffering, etc.), or It’s vital to have a clear understanding of all your damages before considering any settlement offers. 

Recorded Statements and Your Rights

After an accident, insurance adjusters may ask you to provide a recorded statement about the incident. While it may seem harmless, anything you say can potentially be used against you to minimize your claim. It’s important to know your rights and seek legal advice before providing any statements or signing any documents provided by the insurance company.

Surveillance and Social Media Monitoring

In today’s digital age, insurance companies often conduct surveillance and monitor social media profiles of claimants. They may use photos, videos, or posts to dispute claims of injury or undermine the severity of your condition. It’s advisable to be cautious about what you share online and consult with a personal injury lawyer who can protect your rights during the claims process.

Insurance policies can be complex documents with various limitations and exclusions that may affect your coverage. It’s crucial to review your policy carefully or have a lawyer analyze it for you to ensure you understand the extent of your insurance coverage, especially in cases involving serious injuries or multiple parties.

Importance of Legal Representation

Navigating the complexities of insurance claims can be daunting, especially when you’re focused on recovering from injuries. Having a reputable personal injury lawyer like us from Roebuck Law Firm on your side can make a significant difference in the outcome of your claim. A lawyer can negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf, ensure your rights are protected, and pursue the full compensation you deserve for your injuries and losses.

Please give us a call today for a FREE initial consultation.